– Espresso –
The process of extracting coffee oil from the ground coffee bean. A shot of pure coffee heaven.
Yassine Mili
– Double Espresso –
Also called a ‘Doppio’, this is a double size espresso drink
Yassine Mili
– Long black –
Also known as an ‘Americano’. A shot of espresso blended with steamed water
Yassine Mili
– Ristretto –
Italian for ‘restricted’ or ‘shortened’. A richer and more intense shot of espresso
Yassine Mili
– Macchiato –
An Italian word meaning ‘marked’ or ‘stained’. A single shot of espresso is stained with just enough steamed milk to change the colour of the coffee
Yassine Mili
– Affogato –
Italian for ‘drowned’. A shot of espresso poured over the top of a scoop of vanilla ice cream. A dessert favourite
Yassine Mili